Preparing My Heart for Advent
A Spiritual Pilgrimage for the Christmas Season
ISBN: 978-1617155253​
How could this Christmas be your most meaningful yet? Preparing My Heart for Advent encourages readers to stop, look, listen, and experience Immanuel -- God with us!
Immerse yourself in scriptures during the months of November and December so that you are more likely to keep Christ in Christmas before becoming entangled by Christmas lights, shopping and holiday events. Preparing My Heart for Advent is a one-month seasonal Bible study followed by a one-month devotional. Each day of the November study corresponds to a December devotional, or the study and devotional can be done simultaneously. Christmas songs and symbols highlight the weekends, along with suggestions for reaching out to others. Celebrate this Christmas by taking a spiritual pilgrimage and preparing your heart.
This newly revised edition includes 48 pages of new material, including a handy leader's guide, The Chronological Christmas Story, plus Advent devotionals to involve the whole family! Originally published in 2005, it has sold over 26,000 copies.
Preparing My Heart for Easter
A Woman's Journey to the Cross and Beyond
ISBN: 978-0899570532
As an actor playing Mary Magdalene, a weeping woman, or Mother of Jesus in our community passion play, I’ve been challenged to consider how it would have been to be a follower of Jesus Christ when He walked the earth. In studying the final weeks of His life, it is fascinating how often the Easter story repeats the phrase, “the women,” and see how Jesus changed the future for all women.
Preparing My Heart for Easter is an eight week Bible study celebrating Christ's amazing love. Dedicate this Lenten season to journey with Jesus through his last week on earth. Fix your eyes on Him, follow His lead, and learn of His love. Meet the women whose lives He touched and see how He transform yours.
Preparing My Heart for Motherhood
For Mothers at Any Stage of the Journey
ISBN: 978-0899570273
For me to write a book about motherhood might imply I have it all together. I don’t.
Neither do any of the friends and family who contributed to this study. I didn’t even know what the table of contents would hold until I asked moms, “What do you wish you had known before you became a parent?” In their answers, you’ll “hear” them talk about their dreams, failures, joys, and what the Lord has taught them.
Preparing My Heart for Motherhood is a five-week study with chapter titles: A Heart for God, A Heart for Husband and Friends, A Changed Heart, An Open Heart, A Full Heart. It’s no surprise that each day’s homework is called Heartwork. Sit down with a cup of coffee, your Bible, and fellow moms on the journey, sharing together as you tuck these treasures in your heart.