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It IS a wonderful life!

Could your Christmas card become a Hollywood movie?

When Author Philip Van Doren Stern’s short story was rejected, he sent it out as a 21-page Christmas card to 200 lucky friends.

The Upside of rejection was that Director Frank Capra and Liberty Films bought his story and made it into the movie It’s a Wonderful Life.

Every year I fall in love with George (Jimmy Stewart), get frustrated with his drunken Uncle Billy, feel sad for Mr. Gower, and become furious with Mr. Potter for stealing the $8,000 (worth $110,000 today), and ponder the question George Bailey has been asked, "What would the world be like if you had never been born?"

George Bailey is given a dual reality. One where he hasn’t been born; he sees the difference he’s made in the lives of family, the town, and even the world. There’s no question that the world is a better place because George Bailey was born.

I like to watch the end of the movie and George’s realization—just for cry therapy. When George is in trouble and his brother Harry arrives, he toasts the obvious, calling George, "The richest man in town,” and he reminds us all that “no man is a failure who has friends.”

It makes me ask myself, “Am I that kind of a friend, and what difference am I making?” I know that I can start small. That sometimes making a difference is as simple as making a little difference today.

May your New Year and your wonderful life, be filled with the riches of friendship and the satisfaction of making a difference

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