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In the MEANtime...

One of my students so impressed the judges at her college vocal audition, the voice professors immediately announced acceptance into their school of music. She laughed in disbelief. “No, I’m serious,” was her enthusiastic confirmation. But two months later when she opened the file, it said DENIED ADMITTANCE. This talented senior was devastated, heartbroken, and scared. I was angry, frustrated, and hurting for her. How could an award-winning singer with a 4.3 GPA, and strong leadership skills be declined?

And how would she ever sing the next morning at her biggest vocal competition to date?

I assured her we’d try to figure out what happened and advised her that somehow it would all work out. But in the meantime, she had to push aside the horrific news and sing for joy.

That night, e-mails were sent, and prayers and inquiries made on her behalf.

In the MEANtime, seemed like an apt description. She experienced that when the wait seemed MEAN and the TIME too long, she needed to sing for joy. If she did not, whether or not she ended up getting into her first-choice college, she would lose whatever could be gained in the meantime.

She performed the next day, singing with poise and confidence, and even earning honors. Two hours later she received a message from the music department: “TERRIBLE ERROR, CORRECTING IT NOW.”

It was indeed a “terrible error!”

What was the UPSIDE of initially being DENIED ACCEPTANCE?

My student realized how badly she wanted to go to that particular school despite its error. She learned to ask questions, reach out for help from God, friends, and those in the know. She said the most important thing she realized was how many people loved and supported her and wanted to see her succeed. “It was crazy!” she said. “I was almost overwhelmed with how loved I felt, despite how upset I was.”

And she learned that in the meantime when waiting for news, life still goes on. She couldn’t let the meantime be ruined by whatever result followed. Grace under pressure.

And so, I encourage you to live in the meantime. Sing for Joy in the meantime.

And I'm curious: When have you been stuck in the meantime? And what did you do in the meantime?

- Ann

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